The new Graphs view

Discover the benefits of the new Graphs view - the ultimate place to analyze your stats.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

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In an effort to improve MetaPulse, both its speed and features, we have transitioned all the benefits of the old Graph view into the new Graphs view and added more useful features.

Benefits of the old Graphs view (now called Single Graph)

Benefits of the new Graphs View

  1. See more graphs and easily change the size - small, medium, large or wide.

Or adjust graphs individually.

2. Resort in any order, A to Z, or Z to A or drag and drop.

3. Toggle size and easily view values. (Click heading to expand)

4. Drag to Compare.

5. Easily change frequency and periods.

6. Compare automatically saves the current view, even when you logout.

7. Easily edit graph information or values.

8. Create groups on the fly.

9. Add the same graph more than once (and add multiple groups).

10. Easily view the parent/child graphs.

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